Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Griffiths


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Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope that you all had a relaxing Christmas break and feel well rested. Thank you so much for all the lovely cards, gifts and messages. You are all very kind!


Year 4 had a fantastic autumn term, with highlights including our visit to Noddfa, our Ancient Greek topic which resulted in the children making delicious Greek salads, and publishing our writing based on Gorilla and Leon and the Place Between.


Mrs Palfreyman will teach the class on Monday and Tuesdays. Mrs Griffiths will teach them on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; however, we are both in school all week if you need us. We are lucky enough to have the help of Miss Forster and Mrs Richards in our class.


During the spring term our topic will be The Romans. We have attached a topic web that will enable you to see the learning journey that your child will be undertaking across the rest of the term.


We are timetabled to have PE on a Monday and Thursday morning so please remember to bring in PE kits after the weekend. Please make sure that your child keeps their PE kit in school for the whole week, due to any potential swaps and that every piece of clothing is labelled with their name.


Please encourage your child to read at home as much as possible and to have their reading diaries signed and dated. Mrs Richards will check reading diaries as part of our Read Around the World Whole school challenge.

Spellings will be given out at the beginning of term for the whole term and spelling tests are on a Monday.

English and maths homework will continue to be set on a Friday, due in the following Wednesday. Please also encourage your child to learn their times tables. We will be practising these in class and will have a weekly times table check. There will be a test each Thursday or Friday afternoon. The children have done a fantastic job so far learning and recalling their tables so thank you for your support. 

Extra time will be given if a creative piece of homework has been set.

Multiplication check

The multiplication check will take place within a 2-week window from Monday 2nd June 2025. The purpose of the multiplication check is to determine whether children can recall their 12x12 tables fluently. We will be providing further information closer to the time and in the meantime will be practising our times tables in school. Regular practise of times tables at home will also help to prepare your child for this.


We have booked a two night residential for the children to Kingswood Colomendy on April 30th to May 2nd 2025. Further information will be sent in the spring term. We are really looking forward to the residential and we’re sure the children will have an amazing time.

We look forward to working with you and your child again this term and building on the fantastic start that we have already had.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Palfreyman



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Frodsham CE Primary School

School Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 6AF