Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Cartwright

Mrs Gardiner

Welcome to Year 6!


 Dear Parents and Carers,

 I hope you had a lovely summer and enjoyed some quality family time. I am really looking forward to the year ahead, working with your   children in their final year at primary school.

 I would like to introduce you to the wonderful team working with our class this year. Mrs Gardiner will be supporting the class each morning   and we are delighted to have Mrs Palf take the class for Science on Wednesday afternoons. Additionally, Mrs Williams will be teaching PE   sessions on Thursday afternoons.

 Homework will be set on Fridays and is due the following Wednesday. The tasks will include spelling practice, aligned with their individual   spelling lists, as well as some arithmetic or reasoning practice and a writing or reading task. I encourage all children to utilise their TT   Rockstars account to enhance their division and multiplication skills. Their login details can be found in their homework books.

 I am pleased to share that we have many enthusiastic readers in our class, and I have no doubt that they will excel in our "Read Around the   World" challenge. Children's reading records will be checked weekly, and 'miles' will be earned for each book read. All Year 6 children will   greatly benefit from reading with an adult and engaging in discussions, to strengthen their comprehension skills.

 At Frodsham, we celebrate children's achievements both in and out of school. We will have our "Shine Your Light" assembly on Friday   mornings, where I will recognise two children who have gone above and beyond, as well as a class 'celebration time'. Please encourage your   child to bring in photos etc. of anything they are proud of or wish to celebrate, to be shared with the class and displayed in our class   celebration frames.

 I am available after school should you wish to discuss anything. Alternatively, please feel free to contact me via email if you have any   questions or concerns.


 Warm regards,

 Miss Cartwright 





Reading Rope Model


Key links:

TT Rockstars

nrich maths

Primary Quiz

Year 6 - England - BBC Bitesize

Mathsbot Manipilatives

Reading comprehension support

SATs practice apps

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Frodsham CE Primary School

School Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 6AF