Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mrs Fray
Mrs Parkin
Mrs Barlow
Welcome to Year 5 2024-2025
We are looking forward to a fun and exciting year with lots of learning ahead. Alongside myself, the class will be supported by Mrs Barlow who will be with us every day and Mrs Fray who will join us in the mornings.
Mrs Williams will take the class for PE on Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure the children's PE kit remains in school should any additional sporting opportunities arise.
In Year 5, children will have frequent opportunities to read in school. At home, the aim is to read at least three times per week. The children all have reading diaries, please keep a record of any home reading undertaken, and ensure their current reading book and reading diaries are brought into school each day. As they are now in year 5, they are free to fill in independant reading in their own diaries. The more children read and record in their diaries, the more points they will earn on our 'Read Around the World' challenge.
The class have now been added into the Year 5 TTRockstar space. All log in details should remain the same, but please do let me know if you need help access your child's account. We would ask that your child does practise little and often. I know they all did such hard work on their multipliation facts last year, we would love to keep this knowledge level up. It also makes a huge difference in their confidence and ability at accessing the Year 5 maths curriculum. We will also set Gigs every so often for the class to complete in lieu of a maths worksheet for homework.
Children will be given their spellings for the half term. Spelling tests will take place on a Friday. Each week children will be given maths homework, this will be either learning that has recently taken place or pre-requisite learning in preparation of a new topic. The children will also recieve English homework, this will alternate between PaG (punctuation and grammar) or reading comprehension.
If you have any worries about your child, what we will be covering this year, or anything else please don't hesitiate to get in touch. I am available at the end of the school day, or alternatively you can email or request a telephone call.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Parkin
Useful web links
Storyline Online is a website with children stories being read online which the children can watch.
Nrich - this reputable website has lots of fun maths games which you can play at home.
Times tables - this website has games, multiplication checks and worksheets to help with learning times tables.