
Frodsham CE Primary School Board of Governors is a very effective and hard working group that does an important job.  

We are responsible for ensuring that the school achieves its potential and provides good value for money. This means developing happy and healthy children who work hard, look out for others and are successful, no more, no less.

We do not interfere with the daily running of the school. That is managed very well by Mrs Kirby and her team. But we are involved in the medium and long term planning of school development, including buildings, organisation, staffing, curriculum all within the constraints of a fairly rigid budget. We are responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of those plans.

We come from all walks of life. Some are parents of children in the school. Others are foundation governors nominated by the church. We have representatives of the local community and those put forward by the local authority, Cheshire West and Chester Local Authority. There are also school staff representatives.

We meet formally as a whole group 3 times a year. Smaller groups of us meet more regularly, say every other week, to progress specific issues and report our activities to the full group for approval.

We are trained to carry out our functions by the Cheshire Governors Support team, although most of us bring useful skills such as finance, health and safety, management, personnel etc to the group. Current issues for governors include, helping the school towards its financial management targets, monitoring issues that resulted from our last ofsted inspection, monitoring the reviewing of our school policies, ensuring children's curriculum targets are being met.

Below details the current members of the Full Governing Body which includes category of Governor, committee membership, terms of office and a register of business interests.

For further governor information please see Getting Information about Schools (GIAS).



Category of Governor

Committee membership

Voting Rights

Term of office / expiry date

Business interest & Relationship

Governor of other Education Establishment

Vivien Shaw

Foundation Governor appointed by Chester Diocesan Board

Vice Chair

Serves on Finance and Staffing, chair of Staffing committee and on the Estates committee. Mrs Shaw is also link governor for English, behaviour and anti bullying, head teacher wellbeing and performance management.  


Term of office 4 years - 31/08/25

No Business interest declared  

Jane Cawley Gelling

Co-opted governor appointed by the governing body

Serves on Finance and Staffing committee, Curriculum as Chair. Link governor  for Year 5, SEND and Pupil Premium. 


Term of office 4 years - 22.11.2025

No Business interest declared


Jessica Hunt Chambers

Co-opted governor appointed by the governing body

Serves on Curriculum committee, Estates committee. Also link governor for music and art.  


Term of office 4 years - 21/11/2025

Little Overton's Pre-School - employee


Zack Coates

Staff governor elected by staff in the school

Staff governor serves on the Curriculum committee.


Term of office 4 years - 25/02/2026

No Business interest declared  

Sarah Chatwin

Parent governor elected by parents at the school

Link governor for Early Years, science and design technology. 


Appointed 11/08/2026

No Business interest declared  

Will Moran

Local authority governor appointed by CWAC

Serves on Estates committee, Staffing and Finance committee. Also link governor for history and geography.


Term of office 4 years - 23/09/2025

No Business interest declared  

Rob Allerston

Co-opted governor appointed by the governing body

Chair of Governors 

Serves on  Finance and Staffing committees and on the Estates committee as Chair. Also link governor for Year 4. Linked to PE and sports funding.


Term of office 4 years - 21/11/2025

No Business interest declared Helsby High School

Lucy Kirby


As head teacher serves as governor and will attend all committee meetings



No Business interest declared


Rev Elaine Atack

Ex-officio governor

Serves on the Curriulum committee with responsibility for Christian ethos, collective worship and ethos. 


Appointed 01/09/2020

St Laurence Church


Miranda Latham

 Parent governor appointed by the governing body



Appointed 11/03/2026

No Business interest declared


Amanda Williams

Parent governor appointed by the governing body

Serves on Curriculum committee.  Link governor for Year 6 and staff wellbeing.


Term of office 4 years – 28/03/2026

No Business interest declared


Will Cook Foundation Governor Serves on the finance and staffing committee. Link governor for  maths.  Yes

Term  of office 4 years - 31/05/2027

No Business interest declared  

Nerys Owen


Parent governor appointed by the governing body Serves on curriculum committee. Link governor for Y4 and behaviour and pupil wellbeing.  Yes Term of office 4 years - 02/05/2025 No Business Interest declared  





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Frodsham CE Primary School

School Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 6AF